Celebrations · Gratitude · joy

Once upon a November…

Today (11/11) is an exciting day! It’s my blogger “birthday”!

Yes, a year ago today, I went to the Shehive and took a class called “Launch my blog”. I’d been wanting to write a blog for a while but kept putting it off. Sometimes, I need a class to give me a boost of confidence and a sense of direction, and it was just the thing I needed to get started.

Although I’ve been sharing positive messages and words of encouragement for a long time, it wasn’t until I really started listening to the feedback everyone was giving me about how they truly appreciated it, that I started exploring ways to really put it out there. I decided a blog could be the answer.

What is a Joyful Legacy?

This blog is called Joyful Legacy. The joyful part is because that’s my hope for this world and for the people in it, for myself, my friends and family. To experience and acknowledge the joy in life. The legacy part comes from noticing joy and the impact of your life for yourself and others, everyday.

I’ve had a lot of conversations with people talking about how they want to leave behind a legacy. But it always sounded to me like it was something far out of reach or something they were searching for. Through these discussions it dawned on me that our legacy is built up of how we spend our days, whether we get 100 or 100,000 more. It’s made up of how we treat each other and our relationships. It’s made up of experiences and emotions.

Winnie the Pooh: “What day is it?”

Piglet: “Today.”

Winnie the Pooh: “That’s my favorite day.”

A.A. Milne

My biggest fan

A cool thing about the blog is you can see stats. Who’s commented and liked it the most. Theres no surprise here, its my mom, of course. She is my biggest fan! Yep, even though I’m grown up and have a family etc. She’s always there rooting me on. I feel very blessed for that and I’ll take it, for as long as I can.

I’m grateful for all of you who read along. Friends have emailed, called, commented on different topics and stories I’ve written. Technically, there are 52 awesome readers/followers here. But I know there are a lot of you checking in and reading it. Thank you.

A little bit for me and a little bit for you…

When I started this, I wasn’t really sure what to expect. How many people would read it or respond? The truth is I do write it to share and hopefully uplift and inspire you. I also write it for me. It’s like therapy. There are things that I’ve shared here that I haven’t talked about in a long time and a lot of healing going on too.

Mercury made do it

11-11 is a very auspicious number in the universe and mystical lands. A portal to your best self type energy. So is it a coincidence that this blog started on this day?

I was thinking about astrology too. (If you don’t know, I’m highly interested in it.) My blog is a Scorpio. Representing the mysterious, intense, investigative ,brave and loyal.

Scorpio knows that the real treasures are found when you dig a little deeper


That’s what I’d like to accomplish here too, all of us digging a little deeper for ourselves and our precious lives.

Notable November

Keeping up with the theme for the month and today’s post, this week I made sure to hand out and mail some birthday cards. Who doesn’t love to be remembered on their birthday? I love sending fun mail, especially birthday cards! When was the last time you gave or received a birthday card? Consider sending some out over the next couple of weeks or next month. (Speaking from experience, December birthdays need extra love too. )

Staying the course

Most surprisingly, I’m proud that I’ve kept up with blogging. Thank you for your encouragement to keep going!

I usually start creative endeavors excited (always excited ) and then get distracted or bored. I’ve got all of ideas and things I want to try. Sometimes I get overwhelmed and don’t do any of them. So I’m really proud to be here.

I remember hearing an interview with a best selling author and they were saying people come up to me and ask me “how do I become a writer?” And I tell them “if you want to be a writer, then write. Just start writing and keep writing.” And I will take that advice as well…

Thank you!!!

Thank you for reading. Thank you for your continued support. I’m excited to continue forward and see where another year takes us.

What was your favorite blog post of mine this year?

What are some things you are interested in hearing more about?

Feel free as always to comment here.

Much love ๐ŸŽ‰



6 thoughts on “Once upon a November…

  1. Audrey I am so so SO proud of you and this beautiful space you’ve carved out online for writing and sharing life. I’m glad I got to play a small part in helping you get started blogging.

    You’re among a special group of dedicated bloggers who got their start at the SheHive. You were in our first class, and we just had our 5th class this Fall!

    I hadn’t realize it has been a year – so this blog post is the perfect reminder. We should have a blogger reunion.

    Liked by 1 person

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