Encouragement · lifestyle · Meditation · Mental Health

Hope is the thing…

During my morning meditation ( which is happening more frequently now), the focus was on hope. Yes, it was part guided meditation , but during the part where you sit quietly with only music in the background I received a message... The message said "Hope is the seed". Nuture it. Help it grow, cultivate it.… Continue reading Hope is the thing…

birthdays · Celebrations · memories

Long lost friend

Happy belated birthday to my blog! I started writing here 2 years ago now ( 11/11/17), went strong with it the first year but have been very lackadaisical about it this year ( only 1 post), hopefully that's about to change... Why? I get easily distracted- I want to do it all. Sometimes all means… Continue reading Long lost friend

Celebrations · family · Holidays · Traditions

Our presence is the present

The holiday season brings a lot of memories with it, most of them good, many of them have us reflecting back about people who aren't here with us . Our relatives and loved ones who have passed away, gone, but not forgotten. Many of us celebrating the holidays, maybe the first time with someone missing,… Continue reading Our presence is the present

Celebrations · Confidence · Encouragement

A-Z say nice things about me

This is a long time coming. I was tagged by my best blogging friend, Tiara from Muted Mouthful. The opportunity here is to take the power of words (ABC's) and say something nice about myself. Here goes... ABC A: Ambitious B: Beautiful C: Creative D: Delightful E: Enthusiastic F: Friendly G: Gracious H: Honest I:… Continue reading A-Z say nice things about me

birthdays · Celebrations · Holidays

Seize the day! or at least your birthday…

39 is mine! My last post was about my blog's birthday, this one is about mine. Yep, it's my birthday today! My new mantra is 39 is mine! Take the day and the year by the hand and lead it forward... 39 is mine is a great mantra because it speaks to the fact that… Continue reading Seize the day! or at least your birthday…